
 What is Radiation, Radioactivity?

Every material Earth is composed of atoms, and electrons rotating around a nucleus made up of protons and neutrons. Some atoms are stable while others are unstable. To reach a stable state, it removes its own protons, neutrons, and electrons by itself, a process called radioactive decay. In other words, radioactive decay can be defined as the spontaneous radiation emission of unstable atoms. The ray produced by radioactive decay is called radiation. Radiation includes alpha-, beta-, gamma-, neutron- and X-ray used for patient diagnosis.

- The closer the ray approaches the radiation source,

the stronger the intensity of the radiation is.

- The intensity of the radiation source decreases over time.

- Radiation exposure affects human body but does not pollute it. Contamination is caused by the ingress or contact of radioactive materials into the body.

- A significant part of the radiation can be blocked by using a suitable shielding material.

- The intensity and effect of radiation vary depending on the nuclide.

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